Thursday, April 13, 2006

day unto day utters speech

The world is so full of a number of things
That I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson (I think)

This is a post to say that it is a beautiful day today, and promises to be a beautiful full moon night tonight.

This post is also to say that yesterday a saleswoman at Radio Shack made several misrepresentations in order to get me to buy something. The good thing was that through the experience I learned that my online research about electricity abroad was pretty thorough and that I actually did know what I was talking about (something that, outside school, doesn't happen terribly often). I also bought a $40 gadget I don't need and will have to return.


Overall, though, it was kind of a funny experience and I can add it to my Annals of Customer Service, wherein I mentally document the good, the bad, and the ugly and try to apply it to my own customer service job.

Which reminds me that I have a lot of debate league stuff to figure out in the next 72 hours . . .

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