Saturday, July 22, 2006

back to blogging

So, we survived the paper-turning-in phase (some of us after pulling amazingly productive all-nighters [not me; I sleep]).

After that the rest of the trip was rather whirlwind-ish. Here are the highlights from my last couple of days:

- went souvenier shopping
- almost ran into a naked man walking down the High street (a traumatic experience . . . ::shiver::)
- had my last dinner at the Eagle & Child (fish and chips, again)
- learned [by observation, not experience] how to eat prawns
- took my last walk up Headington Hill
- watched a food fight at the Vines
- watched LOTR: Return of the King for the first time
- stayed up waaaaaaaaaay too late talking

- went punting

- more shopping
- took my last walk through Headington Hill Park
- sweated buckets
- tea with Megan and the OSP administrator, Duffy

- went to farewell banquet
- said farewell to Wycliffe cafeteria food (yippee!!!)
- took my last bus ride through city centre
- waged the great War with the Suitcase
- started saying goodbyes

- finished saying goodbyes
- cried
- slept
- got home!!!!!

Home, home, home.

Here are some pictures from punting:

passengering with [the other] Emily

Aaron and Thad

Megan punting

I don't know what all the funny faces are for, except that everybody seemed to be really proficient at making funny faces.

More pictures when I can get Blogger to cooperate . . .

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