Saturday, September 16, 2006

the unpopular vegetable?

[WARNING! This is a post of the domestic, cooking, recipe-finding variety. If domestic, cooking, recipe-finding-type conversations don't float your boat, read no further!!!]

Somehow it ended up being time again for the annual handbell choir barbeque.

And, once again, I signed up to bring a hot vegetable dish. I don't know for sure why I do this, since I don't like making hot vegetable dishes. I think it's because I figure everybody else feels the same way, so I should alleviate someone else's hot-vegetable anxiety.

So, anyway, I have resorted to, one of my favorite sites in the vast expanse that is the internet. And somewhere along in my searching I realized that the hot vegetable dish I'm really particularly interested in at this exact point in my life (i.e., what I'm hungry for today) is the cheesy cauliflower casserole thingy I learned to make from my Alabaman grandmother.

I love that stuff.

But, for reasons I can't quite pinpoint, I have this strange fear that cauliflower is an inappropriate vegetable to take to a potluck -- an etiquette faux pas something akin to wiping your mouth on the tablecloth or accidentally drinking from your neighbor's cup.

This is a fear that, while all the other hot vegetable offerees take their casserole dishes home empty, my lonely, despised cauliflower will come home with me, staring back glumly from the inside of its dishly abode -- lonely, cold, and unloved.

A potluck can be a painful wrenching of one's self-esteem. Sigh.

So, there. I've succumbed to the great temptation of the blogging world and posted one of my deepest insecurities on the internet for all to see.

Now I'm off to the store to buy some cauliflower.


Anonymous said...

I think I bought cauliflower at the same time as you. How weird and unexpected.

My dad saw you in Stater Brothers while I was hunting down our vegetables. I think cauliflower is great, especially with cheese sauce. (Thats what I'm doing with mine)


Anonymous said...

oh! me too! There's no worse feeling than leftovers from a potluck. I think I equate love with the popularity of my cooking/baking. But personally, if you put cheese on califlower I'm there.

Anonymous said...

So, did the collieflower turn out to be a smashing success?

Anonymous said...


That is all you ever need to know about hot vegetable dishes.

"It's all right there, in Plato! My goodness, what do they teach in schools these days..."