It would really change the Christian book section at Barnes & Noble if Christian young people started getting married earlier.
Every time I go there I'm (1) mad that they don't have whatever-I'm-looking-for (which today was Luther on Galatians, which it seems like they really ought to have) and (2) overwhelmed by the volume of books on
- how to find your Christian spouse
- how to go from findage to altarness
- how to deal with life post-altarness
- how much God loves you even if you can't find your Christian spouse
- how many special prayers/promises/perks/palliatives there are for those who are spousally challenged
So, please, Christian young people. Get married.
Then maybe B&N will have room for Luther.
"Spousally challenged." I love it.
I too, have noticed the overabundance of books on spouse-hunting and/or living without one. It's pretty amusing. I have my own fair share of these books, given to me by well-meaning people who are concerned by my singleness. Most of these (the books, not the people) seem to have their own, subjective and rather personal, way of dealing with spouselessness. I've decided that if a person followed all the advice in those books, he or she would go crazy. Hence, I don't usually read any of them. They do occasionally provide amusement, though.
Maybe you should schedule a Spousally challenged book club at Barnes and Noble and this would aid in the possible marriage rate. And you could rate which booksa re honestly worth having at said bookstore and thus eliminating the fluff books and making plenty of room for LUTHER!
Aiko - ergh! on people who give such books for gifts (even if well-meaningly). Good point on subjectivity.
Rhonda - this sounds like a very good idea. Now, do I have to go to the spousally-challenged book club, or just make it start so that the s-c folks can clear off the shelves . . .
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