Saturday, March 10, 2007

it is well

First off, thank you to everyone who was patient with and gracious to me this week (which is about everyone I know...) and to all who offered prayer for me. I would've thought I was above those things people call "emotional rollercoasters." Apparently not. I've been alternately terrified-worried over all the deadlines hitting for my too-many responsibilities and relaxed-happy because, well, life is good. In other words, I've manifested many symptoms of schizophrenia.

Anyhow, in the middle of all that my Father has put together a beautiful week that displayed His mercy, love, and provision in a way that a calm everything-is-going-swimmingly week never could. And everywhere I go I keep running into Romans 8:18-25. E-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up on a billboard off the side of the freeway.

Here are some pictures from our day at the girls' high school choir musicale yesterday.

HOPE Small Ensemble No. 2
(who were chosen to sing for the big concert)

my chaperoning assignment
(with Dr. Walner, head honcho)

(1/3 of HOPE Small Ensemble No. 2, with accompanist)

role reversal
(i.e., it's usually No. 3 with the goofy face)

[Ok, NOW I'm going to go write my research paper...]


Jack said...

st realized why I enjoy reading your 'blog:
It's all about the goofy faces.

(The fact that you make more goofy faces and 'blog more when you are stressed out/tired/etc. probably compounds the effectiveness of this feature.)

Hang in there, Emily.

Anonymous said...

That red color suits you nicely.