Friday, April 20, 2007

ain't misbehavin' (at least, one of us isn't)

Uncle Don's worst fears realized

on Uncle Doug's Yamaha

on the riding lawnmower

because you can never have
enough Spiderman t-shirts

with Uncle Jimmy, Grandma, and Uncle Doug


Nick said...

It looks like you guys are having fun!! And I totally dig the lawn mower! :~)
Glad to hear you guys made it out of Vegas!

Jack said...

The Virago is very nice. It looks like the helmet fits too. Does you sister have a license?

Unknown said...

Very similar to the bike I learned on :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, we are having so much fun! I loooove Alabama. It's so green.

I think Disneyland needs a new attraction; the Autopia cars are nothing compared to that lawn mower. ;)

I wish I had learned how to do more than just sit on the bike. =)

Jack said...

Sitting on a smaller bike is always the first step down the slippery slope. Once you find yourself looking at boots and jackets, you're done for.
The same for riding mowers, but in that case it's the John Deer baseball caps and wraparound sunglasses that push you over the edge.

Jack said...

Oh yeah, and Spiderman +++!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who will be the first in line to see Spider-man 3 . . . hmm?