Monday, April 09, 2007

fruitful and multiplying

Today in Human Geography class an astute geographer on a video documentary about agriculture and gender inequality in India said,

"Education is the best contraceptive."

This made me simultaneously want to (1) get my Ph.D. and (2) have 12 instead of just 9 kids.

(I'm not exactly serious on the first; I could see the J.D. being good enough. And the numbers are flexible on the second. But the rebellion against astute geographers remains regardless.)


Unknown said...

did it also simultaneously make you want to invest in a van?

Emily said...

Hm. Good question. Maybe just to confound astute geographers we will be a very large educated family that cares deeply about climate change and reducing carbon emissions and all ride bicycles (anything to confound astute geographers).

Unknown said...

You know those quadricycles you can hire out at parks (aka surrey, i think)? Get a limosine version of one of those :) 28 wheels!

I imagine something like that could confound anyone.

Unknown said...

Excuse posting twice..

A little modification goes a long way. A lot of modification gets you a limosine surrey!

jamesdeancat said...

So Emily's going to have a modern stone age family?

Good luck with the freeway.

Emily said...

That is a very very good idea. Then it will be easier to transport little ones who are too young to pedal. AND we can travel in the shade. And when the kids get old enough they can run a little business giving rides on the limocycle in the park.

(Will they owe you a commission?)

Emily said...

(Yeah, I did kind of have a mental picture of the Flinstones. We'd have to come up with something more intelligent-sounding than "yabba-dabba-do," although I imagine that may be the confoundingest part.)

Unknown said...

Believe it or not -
I derived the whole mental idea from me thinking about a way you could have all of them powering a vehicle with their feet, Flintstones style :)