Friday, April 13, 2007

look what I found in the dictionary!

Zach's wedding and the OBCL graduation next week, along with the anniversary of the OBCL Reformation Tour, have me thinking about law school and law school friends and the OTC and the white tablecloths (again. I know).

In the middle of my thinking I was thinking about Zach-isms over the years. One of them was the use of the word "twitterpated" to describe an actual physical condition (note that I'm not questioning the reality of said condition; I'd just never heard anyone outside of the movie "Bambi" use it before). And, lo and behold, there was twitterpated at

It's a kind of lousy definition for a very complex condition. But that doesn't make me any less impressed that it's there.

Three cheers for law school friends, landmark celebrations, and twitterpated lawyers everywhere.


Anonymous said...

I had a friend in college who used that word. You can imagine that appropriate situations came up quite a lot at my Christian bridal college. :-)

Aaron said...

truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....
truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....
truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....
truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....
truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....
truuuuuust wikipediaaaaaaaaaa....