Tuesday, May 15, 2007

fodder for the novel

Last night in In-N-Out there was this guy ahead of us in line whom I was SURE I had seen before. I just couldn't figure out where. All during dinner and all day today I've been trying to figure it out.

I was pretty sure that I had never seen the guy talk before and that he wasn't from school, but that I had sat/stood behind him at some point for a very long time. I was thinking jury duty, DMV, lines at the post office or bank . . .

And then tonight it hit me: I sat next to that guy in a criminal courtroom for a couple of hours while I was at the courthouse (and he wasn't one of the lawyers)! That day with the crazy lawyer guy who was pretending to play piano on the back of the seat! Like, the In-N-Out guy is a criminal! It was in the right jurisdiction, too (i.e., if you did something criminal in the neighborhood where In-N-Out was, then you'd be brought into the court where I had my appearance).

How weird is that?


Anonymous said...

Not that weird. I mean, is it really so far out to think that a criminal might enjoy that freshly grilled hamburger patty topped with crisp lettuce, thinly sliced tomato, caramelized onions, and thousand island dressing - all comfortably nested within a lightly toasted plain white bun - just like the rest of us? I think not.

So what does a criminal order at Southern California's quintessential hamburger stand?

Jack said...

Wow, now I'm hungry.
Too bad we don't have In-N-Out here...

Errr... Yes, MLE, that's pretty scary. Watch your back...

Anonymous said...

Your life and observations are always very interesting! hehe I would totally buy your book.