At one point I suggested that No. 6 take her stuffed gorilla off of the couch and put it away. She opened her toy cabinet, but sadly could find no room for a stuffed gorilla.
"It won't fit," quoth she.
"Will I have to throw it away?"
"No, I think you can fit it . . . but maybe we need to throw some of your other toys away."
We subsequently found space for the gorilla (pictured below on the middle shelf), but No. 6 wouldn't give up the idea of having to throw something away. She considered several options (none of which were her plastic easter egg shell collection from AWANA, which would've been my first toss, but apparently "it's from AWANA!" is an unanswerable defense against the disposal of any item, paper or plastic).
Behold, the safety cone.
And, because No. 6 IS four, here's the picture she requested, with the safety cone on top of her head:
LOL!!! What a clown! She must be my sister. ;D
So Funny!!!
I love four-year-old logic!
Hahahahaha! Tim and I had a great laugh over this one. :-)
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