Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Monday night was a good night. Aura-lee had the camera, which meant that pictures were taken (as opposed to my having the camera, which means that the camera camps out on a table somewhere being unused).

Here's the Faith girl contingency, except for Patti:

It was a good semester. Everybody sign up for next semester . . .

I've started in on my summer Christian-biography-reading effort, and I feel kind of like I've been kicked in the stomach (in a good way) about how little the Christian life is about me or my plans and how much about Christ.

More and more I feel like spending the next 50 or so years in suburbia bringing home paychecks, working in a local church, and even raising up children will not be the whole picture of what He will do with my life if I obey -- almost that it would be a kind of waste (not that any of those things would be a waste, or even the combination, or that I don't still want to do them, but that there's more to the story).

It's the idea of taking a stand or going away alone that I think scares me more than anything. Amber, were you the one who said that "alone" has been called the bitterest word in the dictionary? Can I really sing, Though none go with me, I still will follow?


Anonymous said...

Yeah. It was actually the pastor at the church here who said it. Loneliness has been the hardest experience in my life so far, and there have certainly been some tough things I've been through, but I will say that I also have come to know God so much more intimately through loneliness. Take the leap, my friend!

Yo said...

hey there, miss emily.
this is coqui, your argentine cousin. i found your blog since you linked to abuelito :).
it's nice to find out that you're a blogger as well. i've been one for years.
i hope the family's doing well. give my love to cuqui, terry, and the rest of the family.
p.s.: i love john piper too.

Emily said...

Hi, Coqui! I was wondering if there would be a trackback from your abuelito's blog. It is good to hear from you (and to know that liking John Piper runs in the family...). :)