Thursday, November 15, 2007

years of discovery

Yesterday I was in the kitchen grinding coffee beans when Nos. 5 and 6 walked in, obviously on a mission.

While No. 6 stood watching, No. 5 opened the pantry door, reached in, and pulled out a can of green beans.

"These," she said to the attentive No. 6, "are canned goods."

And so the cryptic imperative on the AWANA flyer was decoded.

Then today they were sitting side by side on the couch, No. 5 working on crochet and No. 6 reading a book of fairytales, apparently "Thumbelina."

"She lives . . . in a nut?"

And, having been introduced somewhere between 5 and 10 years old to the incredible truth that Thumbelina lived in a nut, No. 5 was able to confirm this piece of fact as well, with the same air of certainty from yesterday's pantry revelation.

Made me think a lot of things . . . about what we learn, when we learn it, and how little sense things make sometimes.


Anonymous said...

It used to be my favorite movie until I realized that fairies don't exactly change the seasons and underground creatures don't sew...

Emily said...

Wow, my grandma gave us a cartoon version of it that inspired probably some of my strongest feelings of intense dislike from early childhood.

jamesdeancat said...

i never really liked frogs or toads

Anonymous said...

Yea I never liked that singing lady frog... but I loved the dog and the farm animals that sang.