Tuesday, March 25, 2008

um . . .

Today has been an interesting day.

I did not flunk that Arabic test last Tuesday. I actually did really well on the Arabic test last Tuesday. Actually, incredibly, for maybe the first time since last August I somehow got a better grade than my always-one-step-ahead [friendly] Arabic class nemesis.

After that the teacher took me into his office and shook my hand and said very nice things.

And after that he sent me an e-mail with more nice things and saying please submit an abstract for this Middle East conference coming up, & etc.; and before you think of saying "no," the head of the Modern Languages Department wants to talk with you.

Really I only signed up for Arabic because I like the pretty letters. Well, and because I think I need to know more about Islam, and because when it comes to rising world powers I have much much more inherent interest in the Middle East than in China or Korea. And because the textbooks were cheaper than the ones for German. And kind of just barely because I am intrigued by the crusades, knights and chain mail, and the word "Saracen."

But I didn't intend for it to be, like, the thing that I study. That would be weird . . .

Is it okay to pursue something just because you're good at it (and the government will very likely pay for it)? Are you supposed to have some other reason, some plan?


Jourdan said...

Sounds like me. Pursuing nursing because everything is payed for and that it's a guaranteed stable job. Not because it intrigues me. That, now, sounds bad. I again am having major second doubts about it. I'm considering something on a more international level. Growing up I've always promised myself that I wouldn't fall into the category of people that choose, when concerning jobs, the most prospective one financially over the more enjoyable one... I just didn't want what happened to sooo many others happen to me. Now, I'm watching it all slowly but surely unravel. Though, it might not apply to you because, don't you enjoy Arabic? Whatever. I hope you continue what you enjoy doing while trusting God that He will help you make the right choices. I will be praying for you. : ) Long, and mostly inapplicable, comment I know. lol

danay said...

Could this be the makings of another one of those surprises we talked about on Sunday? Or maybe you'll be surprised that you decide not to go down this path and God will open amazing doors somewhere else. I guess "um..." pretty much says it all! Congratulations on doing so well on that test, btw.

Emily said...

Jourdan - I should tell you my law school story. :) It was pretty much an arranged marriage, but it's turned out well.

Danay - Thanks! I kept thinking of the Packer article yesterday. It seems like I've read a lot of biographies and talked to a lot of people who were led onto a completely different path than the one they expected. In fact, I guess there seem to be more happily-surprised people out there than people still following some course they charted in high school. Hmmm.

Jourdan said...

Look forward to it. ;) And I forgot to congratulate you as well so CONGRATULATIONS! We thought we would be failures together but I guess there were other plans for us. Though I doubt the Head of the Science dept. will be approaching me anytime soon. lol. See you tomorrow at Bible Study. I don't have school.. yah. Oh and I don't have a blog anymore.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that if the government is paying for it, that means we're all paying for it...

Emily said...

It's a "secret" plot on my part to be reimbursed all the money I pay in self-employment tax. :) But if they're going to pay it to somebody anyway, it doesn't cost anyone anything extra to take it? I think? I hope?