Sunday, August 17, 2008

hamburgers and . . . poetry?

Apparently BGO isn't the only Wisconsinite with a gift for poetry.

Brendon just pointed me to this web site:

The Home of the Hamburger: Poem


Anonymous said...

I had the chance to give my nephews a ride home yesterday after a week of visiting grandma and grandpa. My 11 year old nephew, Grant, came up with a second, with no intended modifications from the orally transmitted second verse...

That cow on the hill,
he moos no further
For now it sits on my table
as a yummy cheeseburger

Your post from yesterday is providentially ironic. Now, I'll go click on the link to the poem...BGO

Emily said...

I don't think I've ever seen such a lovely tribute to carnivorousness. :)

Just as a disclaimer, I haven't read through the poem yet, but my mom and sister did and said that yours was much better.