Wednesday, June 14, 2006

be advised

Here's some good advice from Garner's Usage Tip of the Day on the usage of the word "err":
Traditionalists rhyme this word with "fur"; others tend to make it rhyme with "bear." Each side is likely to think the other errs.

Pronunciation authorities have long preferred /uhr/ over /air/ -- e.g.:

"Don't say 'We have "aired" and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep.' Let the thought of 'deterring' deter you from a mispronunciation of 'erring.'" Alfred H. Holt, You Don't Say! 57 (1937).


Anonymous said...

To err is human, to not err, divine. So some of us non-divinities may continue to commit errors on occassion.

Anonymous said...

what's an urror?