Saturday, June 17, 2006



Cleaning off my desk's old corkboard
I was eager
to dispose of
all the clutter:

I thought it was only nametags
from debate stuff
or law school stuff
and old receipts.

But there were dried red rose petals
and notes from friends.
I threw those out
and kept the tacks.

*I think this is a minute (60 syllables; 8-4-4-4, 8-4-4-4, 8-4-4-4), except one definition I saw said a minute should use iambic feet. If so, this is mostly trochaic instead and could be considered an inverse minute. And it is, of course, not rhymed.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Aha! I found it!
"Stuff" is such a useful word. Good thing it's also euphonious.