Saturday, July 22, 2006

encounters of the sharky variety

Here's a picture of me and the shark:

Oops, wrong shark; I meant THIS one:

(Yeah, I know that's a really bad joke. But I was missing my long hair and the white tablecloths at the OTC, too. Hurray for going to OKC in just a few weeks!!!)

Dan and I went to see the shark Sunday in an especially procrastinatory mode (Boy, I need to write 6000 words in just over 48 hours -- hey, let's go see the shark!). It was one of my favorite procrastinatory adventures (and I've had several), despite its being awfully awfully hot and sticky outside.


Anonymous said...

I liked your picture. Is this shark house still around, or did they take the shark down? I don't see many sharks in the human world (outside of aquariums and all that), so your picture and shark encounter appealed to my magnificent shark senses.

Anonymous said...

The shark is, of course, still there.
Sharks are a strange obsession most particularly for peoples of the Western American Costal states, and I was somewhat shocked when visiting Oxford (specifically Headington) to see such an icon of the Pacific lifestyle in such an Atlantic sort of place.