Monday, September 04, 2006


The day of the Peach Incident I made the acquaintance of a new fruit, the pluot:

We met again yesterday at the swap meet during the prayer walk.

I was mystified.

What is this strange fruit with the ugly name? It looks like a plum, but not quite. Is it a hybrid? Between a plum and a peach, maybe? What's the origin language for the name? Did it come from Vietnam (like a lot of things I've first met at Stater Bros.)? Is it maybe a Mexican delicacy?

In this state of bewilderment I passed three days, during which time I think I exhausted the fruit-related curiosity of several persons.

Anyhow, today I figured it out. Pluot = plum + apricot. Wikipedia confirms. (So it must be true.)

And they all lived happily ever after.

(Does anybody else out there find hybridized fruit a little creepy?)

1 comment:

Zoogirl said...

Not so much creepy as cool, but that is the ag background in me. Besides how else can we get hairless peaches? (If you did not know that is a cross of the nectarine and peach.)