Sunday, October 29, 2006


Happy birthday to you,
Dear blog you are two!
How much more I'd accomplish
If I didn't have you!
Two years ago . . .
. . . I was working in a law office suing people and making court appearances (in long long hair and braces).
. . . No. 6 was one year old!
. . . our church had no senior pastor.
. . . Saddam Hussein was out and about.
. . . Dan Rather still did the evening news.
. . . (so did Peter Jennings).
. . . John Kerry still could've been President.
. . . we used hymnals on Sunday mornings.
. . . I thought bedbugs were only in nursery rhyme songs.
. . . I spent my Sunday afternoons doing things besides typing into a textbox on my laptop . . .


Anonymous said...

(If you had made it a contest, I would have baked a cake, or something.)

jph said...

Are you kidding me? Your blog is 2? How is that possible? It seems only yesterday that you started it. Unbelievable. Are you sure?

Emily said...

JPH - Back when I was still making fun of you for having a blog, I already had one. :] I just didn't start posting until this year sometime.