Saturday, October 14, 2006

all about perspective

The blogging lull yesterday happened because I was (amazingly!) working instead of blogging.

Yep, I'm shocked too.

Here's a pictorial representation of all I have left to do in the next week or so:

The stack of Priority Mail envelopes about 1,500 pages tall is all the data entry I just finished. And most of the rest of the stuff represents homework yet to do, in one of three languages, or lectures to be written for the classes I'm teaching.

Data entry and teaching/studenting do have their respective monotonies.

Maybe I'lll wake up one day soon feeling like what I really want to do is be a lawyer.

It'll be a nice thing, if that ever happens, to already have law school and the Bar and all that stuff out of the way.

In other news, No. 6 was taking inventory of the living room furniture this morning, and christened this particular piece "The Chair for Boys."

One of our theories on this is that she thinks arm chairs (like the one Daddy sits in at the dinner table) are "boy" chairs, as compared to their armless companions (yes, you literary criticism experts out there will have some fun with THAT).

Or it could just be that the boys do tend to sit there.

Which makes me wonder if there is some kind of psychological undercurrent in a girl-predominant house that causes male visitors to wind up (1) in a hard, straight-backed chair (2) immediately adjoining the door.

Hmmmmmmm . . .


Anonymous said...

Is No. 6 already trying to chaise the men away?

Emily said...

LOL. Mot juste.

Anonymous said...
