Thursday, October 12, 2006

to go or not to go . . .

I just saw this about GodBlog 2006.

The really cool thing is that here are "famous" bloggers like Hewitt, Barber, and Boundless's Motte and Ted, along with "regular" people I've known and worked with -- demonstrating anew that the blogworld is an incredible connector of persons.

So . . . mmmmmmm . . .

Plus, if you register, they put your name and blog address on the blogroll for lots of people to see and click on. What could be better than that???


Anonymous said...

When I cliked on 'this' I went to the blog site for GodBlog 2006 which had a link to Al Mohler's blog. When I clicked on it there were some great articles espcially one titled "Heresy in the Church of High Art". Posted on October 4, 2006. You should read it. Also read Mohler's article on personal libraries.

Would you consider the 'suggestion' of linking Al Mohler's Blog to yours and/or the CC Blog site?

Thank you!

Ted Slater said...

I'm famous! ;-)