Friday, October 06, 2006

time warp & etc.

A Rhyme- and Reason- Less List

1. Time Warp. No. 3 and I were reflecting today that it seemed like last week felt like a long LONG time (so much so that when it was finally a new week I felt like I'd gotten back from a several-week-long trip or something), but that this week went by really fast. It's strange how that happens. (Someday it really would be nice to be a physicist and understand relativity and those types of things.)
2. Beach Reading. Cleaning my room this week, I noticed that I'd taken my abridged copy of Robert's Rules of Order with me to the OBCLAA beach party. I would laugh at this as a funny kind of accident (and it was), except that I have been known to take Webster's to the beach on purpose (just in case there happened to be a spontaneous Balderdash game . . . you know . . .).
3. My Cooking Style. Today, while cooking with No. 5, I realized that my cooking style is Julia Child (there is doubtless a quiz somewhere on the internet that confirms this). No. 5 asked me to teach her how to make tomato sauce. So I chopped, and she salvaged the flying vegetable pieces from their landing places all around the kitchen. There's still one clove of garlic I'm not 100% sure we found. (Well, wait, no. Because when that bowl broke tonight we gave the floor a pretty thorough cleaning . . .) My personal cooking/baking philosophy is that if you can't be perfect, at least be funny.

Wait, maybe that's my philosophy on life in general . . .

Exhibit A: the pineapple relative cake


Anonymous said...

It doesn't really matter how a person cooks--what's important is whether they're the sort of person who buffs the chromed fixtures at the end of the day, or the sort of person who is content with water spots.

Emily said...

Let it be known that buffing chromed fixtures (especially if one is in possession of sodium bicarbonate), depending on the company, can be much more interesting than doing one's homework.

(One of the things I miss most about the Oxford thing is cleaning the kitchen. I do NOT miss grocery shopping without a car.)

Anonymous said...

I guess grocery shopping without a car would be pretty tough...I'll be dealing with this in a few months...any way...I enjoy reading your blog MLE...thanks for make me laugh...=)