Saturday, October 07, 2006

why we don't get bored

At our house we don't get bored very often.

One reason is that we have a representation of widely different personalities.

Actually, that's a little expansive.

The reason we don't get bored is that we have No. 3.

Nos. 2 and 3 are playing for a wedding reception today, and one of them (you guess which) saw fit to begin the morning by practicing. So here they are, three hours before we have to leave, representing by their apparel their respective personalities (and approaches to life).

(um, apparel and facial expressions, too)


Anonymous said...

It was 2 1/2, not 3, hours before we had to leave . . .

Anonymous said...

The sentiment is understandable, but posting this on the Internet is really a bit over the top. I hope #1 and #3 are still communicating.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, friends. Actually, I love posts about me and was not at all offended. Besides, No. 1 might stop buying me lunch if we stopped communicating.