Monday, November 06, 2006

give each other good links

Last night after church I had a few good talks (thanks to Marlys, Nate, and my mom!) that left me encouraged and excited for a new week and new things to learn.

I got home thinking about the joy of being able to "network" (I don't like that word, but can't think of a better) with other believers and with the things that have helped us in our lives. For example, the joy of being able to respond to a situation by sharing a scripture, or a passage from a book, or a song, or an experience -- where maybe you see a connection that the other person doesn't (or vice versa), and then you both can share that connection.

The great part is that God designed it that way. I think this is part of what He means by "build each other up." So I was doing a little word study on "build up" and "edify," and ran into 1 Thessalonians 5.

Wow! Go read it if you have a minute.

He is so good to place us in community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. I am fast realizing the importance of fellowshiping with other believers. I miss the College & Career group. It was good to encourage each other and share our hardships and pray for each other. I think I've found another Bible study group here in Kentucky with whom I can do the same, but it takes time to build relationships, and I'm impatient.