Thursday, January 18, 2007

scorn of me recoils on you

I just walked in the door from Bible study.

And my mom asked me the title of a poem I'd read to her.

And it struck me: here I've been blogging faithfully for just about a year, and I've never confessed to liking Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Now, confessing EVERYTHING on your blog is certainly NOT a good idea. But this blog often has something to do with poetry or other literature and things of that sort. So I am surprised by my omission.

On the other hand, Barrett Browning is famous for her love poetry. This not being the sappiest blog (this not being the sappiest blogger), maybe the omission shouldn't be so surprising.

At any rate, I like Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Right now I'm especially liking the line "scorn of me recoils on you." I think this happens a lot. And I would think it only happens to me, except I read it in Browning.

And . . . now you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this from Elizabeth Barrett Browning from 'Aurora Leigh'.

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every commmon bush afire with God.
Only he who sees takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries."