Sunday, April 15, 2007

disaster strikes

No sooner had I hit "post" but we heard a telling smacking sound coming from the kitchen:

Here is one that could win . . . but couldn't defy gravity.


Unknown said...

Gravity eh?

A likely story...


Anonymous said...

Ditto that, Brendon.

I was thinking that perhaps "post" wasn't the only thing you hit last night, Emily. I think this whole kitchen-smacking-Coke-cake cataclysm was a hit-and-run situation . . . why else would you flee from the scene of the crime so quickly (other than to post about it. Low, really low)? And don't say you weren't there when it toppled. It appears to have been premeditated and preset; I saw the damaged skewers and the knife thrust into the heart.

Emily said...


I wasn't the one who heard the "creaking" sound immediately preceding the telling smack. Take this up with No. 2.

(Don't forget, though, that GravityGirl is my alter ego; perhaps the confession is already delante de tus narices.)

Unknown said...

An astute assessment, No. 3.
I can see this will not remain a mystery long under your detective prowess.

Justice will be served! (Pun intended :))

Nick said...

Oh the humanity!
I think you should have given a rating for such gruesome pictures before people decided to look at them (i.e. "Rated 'CM' for extreme cake mutilation!"). That way at least I wouldn't have been so shocked! :~p

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Brendon; if piano doesn't work out, I'll become a P.I.; oops, wait, I didn't tell you that.

Ratings, hmmm, not a bad idea, Nick. That pic was WAY too graphic. Maybe your request for a rating on her post will bring Miss Spanish-speaking Gravity Girl back to earth.

Anonymous said...

Oddly pleasing to know a Younger can err.

Unknown said...

I'll keep the PI thing on the down low, No.3.

Starting... now!

As for the pictures, the cake has clearly been battered. The perpetrator obviously had a sweet tooth for violence. There will be no trail of crumbs to follow to the bottom of this case.

Emily said...

Wait . . . who erred?

Unknown said...

Well, I could take a modicum of the blame if there weren't enough skewers? But I don't quite fit the bill, on account of the "Younger" designation.

Emily said...

Yes, it was definitely a team effort involving several families. But I don't think anyone erred (for the volcano OR the can).