Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I guess Ken Ham's Creation Museum opened yesterday, with quite an expansive mission, according to the UK's Times Online:

The $27 million (£14 million) exhibition is funded by evangelical Christians, who apparently believe that by reclaiming dinosaurs and fossils for their literal biblical interpretation of natural history, teenagers are less likely to look at internet pornography or get pregnant out of wedlock.

* * *

The museum has a series of rooms depicting the darkening of a world that abandons a literal interpretation of the Bible. Two teenagers, apparently indoctrinated with evolutionary teaching, are shown at home. The girl is talking to Planned Parenthood and the boy is looking at pornography on a computer. These images culminate in a wrecking ball, labelled with the words “millions of years”, smashing down a church.

I thought I had some comments on this, but really I don't.


Anonymous said...

The Creation Museum is making waves in the Louisville area. It's only 90 minutes away by car, so it's being advertised on TV and elsewhere. My parents and I are going to go see it this fall, I think.

Emily said...

Let me know what you think when you see it. It looks like a great idea, and I admire them for taking a stand not only about the literal truth of the creation in Genesis, but about the implications of worldview.