First, a disclaimer: I don't know the first thing about dating.
But if the point is getting to know someone, really, today I came up with some places to go to get to know someone, really. (These started coming to me today while I was in Wal-Mart, observing happy- and not-so-happy families doing their weekend shopping, and at Bella Terra, observing googly-looking young couples not really doing anything.)
Here they are:
- Wal-Mart (preferably with an overeager toddler and a very inquisitive 5-10 year old)
- the hospital at 3:00 a.m.
- the cemetery
- the grocery store (preferably with a really long list of boring things to buy)
- the post office on a day when there's a really long line and lots of annoyed people
- same as the last one, but the bank
- L.A. rush-hour traffic
- a photo studio, with two overeager toddlers and a shrieking newborn
- a really poor neighborhood in a really big city
- a really rich neighborhood in a really big city
- an event with a lot of snobby people who thought they were really intelligent and thought the same of the person I wanted to know, really
- an event with all of my most crazy and unusual relatives
- an event with all of the most crazy and unusual relatives of the person I wanted to know, really
- an event with people who were poor but happy
- a foreign country
- the DMV
- street-witnessing
- a funeral
- a wedding
- a prayer meeting
- a performance of Handel's Messiah
- the side of the road with a flat tire
- the airport during an unexpected layover
- somewhere where there was lots of yard work to do and we had to do it
- a rest home or Alzheimer's care center
- a little kid's birthday party
Apparently putt-putt, restaurants, and the movies have worked for lots of people, and I could see tempering the above with the mountains and the ocean and things like that, but this list makes a lot of sense to me.
I like this list! It's real life.
No Starbucks for 8 hours with a thought-provoking book each!?
This book can't possibly sell. ;)
(Disclaimer: I'm no expert either, but I like to think so)
"an event with a lot of snobby people who thought they were really intelligent and thought the same of the person I wanted to know, really"
This one was interesting. What prompted it?
Based on what I'm assuming about your requirements for these situations, I think you could really use any situation that involves waiting in line and a cohort of younger persons.
This will select for people with child-rearing skills, of course, but then I'm thinking that's one of the main points.
The social situation test is a good one, though. It's too bad those situations aren't easier to orchestrate...
The one about the smart snobs is that it's something that would really test the mettle of my character (whether I would buy into the snobbishness), and I'm assuming it would do the same for someone else.
Well you're obviously very smart. I mean, how many people are lawyers by the time they're 16? I'm thinking you're somewhere in the upper 99.999 percentile which means you're better than a whole lot of people.
What else? Your writing shows intelligence, wit, and insight above and way beyond most ordinary blogs, not to mention your command of the English language is unparalleled. "Quoth she?" That right there is genius.
It must feel good to be you.
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