Wednesday, December 17, 2008

needs improvement: note-taking

Seeing as how my final (!!!) HCom final is tonight, I thought I should try to study for it. So I took out my "notes."

At the beginning of the semester, the professor had us each buy a book from the bookstore that has all of her Power Point slides in it. Most of the time they aren't very helpful for trying to reconstruct the lecture later. Sadly, as I am being reminded, my notes aren't that helpful either.

So far I've found a couple helpful sentences, and then random scribbles like this:

- "Schaeffer taking the roof off" (I know for a fact Dr. Matz never mentioned Schaeffer, so I was somewhere else that day)

- "bad consequences for whistleblowers"

- [in Arabic] "Why did I come to university today?"

- [ditto] "Is Barack Obama Muslim? We don't know! He is not Christian!" (still trying to remember what the prof said that prompted that)

- "Always take notes/keep records."


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